Monday, January 25, 2010

Why This New Blog?

The idea for this new blog has really been with me for a long time now, but I just never got around to creating it.  Most of my time is spent working at what I love most, which is building and performing puppets for Thistledown Puppets, but before I ever started Thistledown, I was always drawing, painting, or doodling...for years, actually.  And really, the cumulative hours of drawing, studying,...and seeing...has shaped both who I am and the work that I now do.

The bottom line is that I have lots of portfolios, sketchbooks, and nooks and crannies filled with images that nobody ever gets to see (which in some cases is probably for the best).  But I thought--hey, why not at least have a place where anyone who is even slightly interested can see some of that old work that I so lovingly labored upon?  And what's up with the name, you might ask?  Well one of my favorite dead guys, George MacDonald, once said that art should wake meaning in us, or at least wake interest.  My life has been devoted to having meaning awakened inside of me and in my work.

So here you go.  This is a place to show you some of my work and how I tend to see the world.  And it might get hijacked from time to time to share family photos and discuss my personal life a bit...but as Bobby Brown was fond of saying, "it's my prerogative".

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