Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tolkien Pictures: Part Three

This is actually the first image I came up with for The Hobbit, but it's my least favorite, so I threw it in last.  While I love the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy, I am a little bit sad that when I now go to read the book, I have pictures of Elijah Wood and Sean Astin in my head. 

A real pity--and don't get me wrong, I love watching movies, but I actually enjoy reading much more.  Reading forces your mind to be active, and with beautifully descriptive books like The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit, it's so much fun to imagine what Middle Earth and all of it's inhabitants look like.  To then have someone else's concept suddenly become visual canon can feel slightly barbaric.  Sigh...

By the way, for some reason, I've always loved the passages where Bilbo and company smoke their pipes.  Blowing smoke rings is truly an art form in itself.

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